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Opinion: Slow blogging - going against the grain

We have so much ability to influence and have a positive impact these days with the developments in social media, ease and access to website development, and widespread use of blogging – which is fantastic!

However if you go and search #nzblogger on Instagram, 90% of the content is about makeup and makeup tutorials, with around 8% dedicated to mothers who blog, and the rest is around healthy food and lifestyle. WHY so much makeup people!?

It puzzles me that we use such a huge opportunity to have a posotive impact in the world – to run makeup reviews on trashy products created by large companies who are creating havoc with our environment, employing young children to make these products, and testing on animals.

Don’t get me wrong, I love a good makeup tutorial or life hack every now and then and have nothing against the people behind these blogs (no offence meant) but I’d love to see more wholesome content teaching our youth about self worth, entrepreneurialism, or empowering others.

The real issue comes down to the fact that the content around makeup is quickly snapped up by many young girls so these types of bloggers get a large following relatively quickly. This is in comparison to the bloggers who focus on lifestyle changes, environmentally friendly products, and going against the grain who adopt a ‘slow blogger’ attitude and effectively take the hard road in choosing this path.

I understand that young people feel powerful and empowered when they look good, and that’s great; but ff we can influence young people so that they feel good about themselves at the end of the day when they take their makeup off, it’s far more wholesome and sustainable long term.

So NZ bloggers…I challenge you to change the norm, shake it up, and write some wholesome content for your followers. You may not get a million likes, but if you can do some good and share some love – that’s a refreshing win.


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